
Alan Schofield honoured by Yamba surf lifesavers

The Annual General Meeting of Yamba Surf Life Saving Club held recently began with those attending observing a minute’s silence in memory of recently deceased Life Member, Andrew Tarrant. Andrew had been a dedicated club member involved in all aspects of the club as an active patrol member, competitor, lifesaving instructor and assessor, and carnival official. His life was remembered and celebrated last Tuesday week when hundreds gathered in Grafton to farewell him at his funeral service on the banks of the Clarence River and to reflect on his relatively short 59 years of living and giving to his community. The AGM saw only minor changes to the Board and committees that have steered Yamba Surf Club over the last 12 months. Joe Dougherty was re-elected unopposed for his fourth term as Chairman of the Board with the only other change to the Board being the addition of a new junior activities director, James Forbes, who replaces Danielle Connolly who retired some months ago due to ill health. The AGM was attended by over 30 club members who were able to witness first hand the recently renovated kitchen and bar areas. House director Alan Lawrence and helpers have worked tirelessly in recent months to ensure the completion of the project which was partly funded by the NSW State Government. One of the other significant features of last Sunday’s meeting was the awarding of Life Membership to Alan Schofield. Alan has been an integral part of the club since he arrived in Yamba over 15 years ago having served terms as president, vice president, secretary and sponsorship committee as well as having been a valuable patrol member, instructor, assessor and competition official. He has been involved in every aspect of the club over many years and is thoroughly deserving of the honour of Life Membership. Alan continues to be involved in the club, particularly in the instruction of new Bronze Medallion candidates. The new 2018/19 season is beginning to gain momentum – memberships are now due with online joining, renewing and payments taking place online through Life Saving Director, James Ryan is now putting the final touches to the season’s patrol roster which will begin on Saturday September 29. The first Proficiency test for all patrolling members will take place prior to this on Sunday September 16 ensuring all patrolling members are up to date on the skills needed in helping to save lives on Main Beach. The club education committee under the direction of chief training officer, Kim Morgans met last Sunday to formulate a program of education and training for Bronze Medallion squads and other lifesaving award groups. The first Bronze Medallion squad will commence training on Saturday September 8. Anyone interested in joining this squad and becoming a patrolling member or updating their skills should contact the club office on 66462463 during office hours on Monday, Wednesday or Friday mornings to be included in the new training groups. The club is always keen to encourage new members to come along and join the volunteer patrolling ranks to ease the burden on those already committed to this cause. Yamba Surf Club is proud of its great tradition of volunteer service to the community and is keen to maintain these traditions in the new season. Jim Dougherty