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Aboriginal Men’s Group Grafton
Lynne Mowbray
The Aboriginal Men’s Group Grafton is a community group which meets every Thursday at 8.30am for a BBQ breakfast, at 50 Wharf Street, South Grafton.
Member of the men’s group John Shearer said that the men’s group was set up many years ago and is now incorporated.
“We get together every Thursday morning at a breakfast and have a yarn,” Mr Shearer said.
“It’s a traditional thing to do, to have a yarning circle amongst Aboriginal men.
“We use a talking stick and how the circle works is we go around in a circle and everybody says their name and their thoughts on the topic of the day.
“Whoever has the talking stick, of course talks and everybody else listens; it’s a respect thing.
“It’s great because we get everybody’s perspective on an issue.
“We’re interested in helping people with mental health issues, the youth and a whole range of things; whatever comes up.
“We usually get between 16 and 26 turn up and it’s never the same blokes either, that come along.
“We have a lot that just come for a week or two to get a bit of direction and then they move on.
“Some of the positives over the time have been seeing people coming out of depression, finding a bit of direction and a bit of belonging, because as we know one of the best antidotes for depression is finding your purpose.
“So by coming along and just talking, sometimes helps people to get a bit of direction and that’s good.
“The men’s group is open to all men because the group takes the view that there’s only one race and that’s the human race so it doesn’t matter what background or colour you are, anyone’s welcome to come along.
For more information: 0490 888 352 or look them up on Facebook.