On 1 January 2020, we lost our great friend and Pipe Sergeant, Alistair Wallace. Alistair was a Life Member of Maclean & District Pipe Band, joining at an early age and remaining with the band through to the last. He made an enormous contribution to the band and to the local community of Maclean, piping at weddings, funerals and commemorative events including ANZAC Day and many others. Alistair was also a tremendous assistance behind the scenes for the Lower Clarence Scottish Association, for many years helping the Committee, and particularly his father Don and brother Jack, in setting up for the Gathering, and in later years, assisting his wife, Justine, with the administration of the solo competition.
The Lower Clarence Scottish Association had planned, as part of the Massed Bands Display on Easter Saturday, to perform a tribute to Alistair with the Maclean & District Pipe Band to play Scots Wha’ Hae (Bruce’s Address), later to be joined by the full Massed Bands.
Scots Wa’ Hae is a tune that many of us learnt as our first tune and it’s first line “Scots, wha hae wi Wallace bled” has particular significance on this occasion.
The restrictions in place following the spread of COVID19 have led to the cancellation of the 116th Maclean Highland Gathering and have prevented us from holding this tribute. However, we are inviting all pipers everywhere to join the pipers of Maclean & District Pipe Band in playing Scots Wha Hae at 4pm on Saturday 11 April 2020 in memory of our friend, Alistair. This is also an opportunity for all pipers to unite in a common cause to ensure that this disease does not silence us. Whether you are confined to your own house or yard or can find a safe place out in the open, we ask that you play with us, and if possible, record your performance and post it here, on this event page, or on your Facebook page with the hashtag. #macleanremembers
Alistair Wallace Tribute
Public · Hosted by Maclean and District Pipe Band
Saturday, 11 April 2020 from 16:00-16:30
Maclean, New South Wales
Alister Smith
Maclean & District Pipe Band