Local News

$6.6 Million so far for Clarence Valley Primary Producers

More than 100 primary producers in the Clarence Valley have received up to $75,000 from the NSW Government’s Special Disaster Grants.

Primary producers in the Clarence Valley Council area have so far accessed $6.675 million to help them repair and rebuild damaged infrastructure on their properties.

Clarence Valley Mayor Jim Simmons said he was pleased so many primary producers had accessed this funding.

“I am very happy that 104 of our farmers have accessed funds through these grants. This money will help them buy new equipment, rebuild sheds or keep their animals fed,” Cr Simmons said.

“I want every primary producer in the Clarence Valley to access this money. The NSW Government has already given out about $70 million in three months across the state – the funds are being released very quickly.”

The grants are open until 31 July 2020, and all farmers in the Clarence Valley are strongly encouraged to apply before the deadline.

“These grants are offering up to $75,000 for farmers. This includes farmers that previously applied for the $15,000 grants – they can now apply for additional funds up to $75,000,” Cr Simmons said.

“Remember, these are grants and not loans. This money does not need to be paid back. It’s funding that goes straight to the farmer, to be spent on clean-up, repairs and rebuilding.”

Applications can be made via the NSW Rural Assistance Authority at www.raa.nsw.gov.au or by calling 1800 678 593.