The Maclean District Historical Society was established 50 years ago. To mark the occasion, we are holding a 50th Anniversary celebration ‘Open Day’ on Saturday October 19. The Stone Cottage and the Bicentennial Museum will be open between the hours of 10am and 4pm. The official ceremony will be held at 11am which will include the cutting 50th Anniversary cake. All are welcome to attend, come and see items of historical interest to the area.
Our Society was formed in 1969 after the Rotary Club had called a public meeting to gauge interest in preserving local history.
The Bicentennial Museum collection is displayed around themes: Scottish heritage, maritime history, hospital, school, and barber shop displays as well as general changing exhibits. The Stone Cottage has been set up as a turn of the century country house.
We have had a reprint of our popular book “Maclean – The First 50 Years”. So, if you or someone you know missed out earlier, come to the Museum to purchase your copy.
A Men’s Group from Ballina recently paid the Museum a visit, they had an enjoyable time.
Members are about to attend the Museum’s Chapter meeting at Kyogle. Also, a representative from the Museum will attend The Royal Australian Societies Conference in Tamworth. These are all occurring this month.
Ken Muller