Community News

3 step framework for a COVID safe Australia

From Friday we noticed some kind of change around town.  More businesses have been given the green light to open their doors ( of course making sure they stick to the guidelines in place around social distancing ) and over the next few weeks the restrictions will ease even more. 

Unfortunately for the Grafton Chamber of Commerce we will need to wait until stage 3 before we can meet for our breakfasts again , but in the scheme of things that wont be too far away, and I for one can’t wait to meet you all face to face and see exactly how things are going for you.

Maybe you could all let us know something that you are looking forward to when we get back to “normal” and we can let everyone know what gets said (might give others something more to look forward to as well)

In the mean time , be sure to reach out and let us know how things are going via email or facebook.  If you are in the process of re-opening while doing things a little differently then let us know and we can get that information out to our members.  

We need to continue to support each other and the best way to do that is by letting everyone know that Grafton businesses are still here.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”NEW 3 step”]