The mob and visitors to our weekend. Pic: contributed.
The word party brings to mind all sorts of things, so when Clarence Valley Ramblers celebrate their 18th birthday, you just know it will be huge. This year the theme was tiaras and ties. Nearly 60 motorhomes and vans of all sizes rolled in to Brooms Head Van Park, some arriving as early as the Sunday prior, to help celebrate this milestone.
Thursday afternoon our new bigger marquee was erected and I think the locals may have thought the circus was in town. With the majority on site Friday, including many visitors from Queensland, members soon caught up on all the happenings since Christmas, purchased Yvonne’s homemade jams and pickles, or purchased books raising funds for Westpac Helicopter.
Friday we had Suzie O’Brien from Australian Hearing come along to give us a presentation and do some hearing tests for some members. Then Friday evening just on 70 members walked, or those less mobile, were driven to the bowling club to enjoy a Chinese meal, a few drinks & of course to partake in their Friday night raffles. As usual, we had lots of happy winners, with some members winning several meat trays.
Saturday members played disc bowls, Finska & the popular raffle dice, with Brian Kent the happy winner with a kitty of $21.
Happy hour and our club raffles, and then it was time to prepare for the birthday feast. Some easy listening music was played by John and everyone enjoyed sitting in the lovely cool air with the Milky Way easily visible in the night sky. Our photographer Narelle, was busy with the camera as usual giving us many happy moments to look back on as time goes by.
Sunday was another beautiful day and time to cut the birthday cake. The honour this year was bestowed on Lyn McQueen who is an inaugural member. A round of Happy Birthday was sung & then we all managed to fit in a piece of cake.
Another fabulous weekend, with members, leaving happy and probably a few kilos heavier.
Next month is a new venue at Broadwater – details Carol 0472 517 170.
Carol Randall